22 Sep 2017

Vulnerability Details: PHP Object Injection Vulnerability in Appointments

From time to time a vulnerability is fixed in a plugin without the discoverer putting out a report on the vulnerability and we will put out a post detailing the vulnerability so that we can provide our customers with more complete information on the vulnerability.

Since June we have been doing proactive monitoring of changes made to plugins to try to catch serious vulnerabilities. So far that has lead to identifying a couple of dozen vulnerabilities. For the third time it has lead to identifying a PHP object injection vulnerability being fixed in a plugin, this time in the plugin Appointments.

In this instance though what we also noticed was that the new version of the plugin put out to fix the vulnerability still contained the vulnerable code, though it is not accessible through the plugin. What makes that situation stand out is that two companies that put out WordPress security plugins were involved in fixing this vulnerability and appear to have missed that remaining vulnerable code.

In version 2.2.2 of the plugin, two lines that pass the value of cookies to the maybe_unserialize() function, which would have permitted to PHP objection to occur, were removed. They are the following lines in the file /includes/class-app-sessions.php:

$apps = maybe_unserialize( stripslashes( $_COOKIE['wpmudev_appointments'] ) );
$data = maybe_unserialize( stripslashes( $_COOKIE['wpmudev_appointments_userdata'] ) );

Our monitoring picked up their removal, but at the same time that picked up the following two lines in the file being included in the file /includes/class_app_shortcodes.php in that version:

$apps = unserialize( stripslashes( $_COOKIE["wpmudev_appointments"] ) );
$data = unserialize( stripslashes( $_COOKIE["wpmudev_appointments_userdata"] ) );

Those are almost exactly the same as the first two. With the only difference being use of the WordPress function maybe_unserialize() versus the PHP function unserialize() and single quotes versus double quotes.

In looking over the situation we found that the file /includes/class_app_shortcodes.php wasn’t being used, what looks to have happened is that the contents of that file were split in to different files and then that file was never removed.

This risk of that vulnerable code is limited since on its own the file can’t do anything. The risks we could think of is if someone was able to use some other code to cause this file to be loaded or that someone might reuse the vulnerable code from this file. The latter is something we recently saw happen with another plugin, though in that case the code was being utilized in the plugin it was copied from.

When the vulnerability existed in the plugin it was exploitable through several locations, including on pages using several shortcodes.

Security Companies Missed the Remaining Vulnerable Code

Normally a developer missing other instances where vulnerable code is still in the plugin isn’t something that we would be too concerned about, but in this case the developer is WPMU DEV, which also makes the Defender security plugin. We would expect that a company that provides a security plugin to be more careful about the security of their plugins.

In a look over how they promote that security plugin we didn’t get the feeling that they really have the level of concern for security that they should have when producing a security plugin. No where do they present any evidence of the effectiveness of the plugin overall or the effectiveness of its various features. One area where we know that what they are providing has limitations, is their checking for known vulnerabilities in plugins, as the source of plugin vulnerability data is WPScan Vulnerability Database, which has serious limitations, as we have discussed in previous posts. They really should be disclosing the source of the data in the marketing material and making it clear that the data they provide has serious limitations.

Something else that stuck out to us in how the plugin is promoted is this:

Brute force attacks are no match for Defender. Limit login attempts to stop users trying to guess passwords. Permanently ban IPs or trigger a timed lockout after a set number of failed login attempts.

Brute force attacks against WordPress admin passwords are not happening, what is happening, dictionary attacks, can be prevented by simply using a strong password, which WordPress does a good job of helping to people use. Protections meant to protect against brute force attacks would not always be effective against dictionary attacks and can lead to unnecessary complications.

In the changelog for version 2.2.2, one the entries seemed to be possibly referring to this vulnerability:

  • Fixed security issue (vulnerability) with data stored on a browser. Thanks to Matt Barry @ Wordfence

When we contacted the developer of the plugin about the remaining vulnerable code, they confirmed that did in fact refer to this vulnerability.

That Wordfence missed the remaining vulnerable code isn’t all that surprising based on their track record. Last year they disclosed several vulnerabilities in plugins and we found that three related vulnerabilities had not been fixed. The problem then wasn’t as much that they missed them, but that they were not providing the normal level of detail on the vulnerabilities they found that would have allowed someone to check things over and spot those related issues easily. Their providing limited details was not due to a concern about that being misused, but so they could market that they provided protection against the vulnerabilities that other firewall providers did not. In explaining why they were handling things they way they did they claimed that “At Wordfence the security of our customers and the greater WordPress community is of paramount importance to us.”,  which seems untrue when you consider that it was only because we figured out the details they didn’t provide that we could work to get the other vulnerabilities fixed. If they release information on this vulnerability, it will be interesting to see if they handle things better than they did last year.

File Removed

After we notified the developer of the remaining issue, the file /includes/class_app_shortcodes.php was removed. If you already updated to version 2.2.2 though you will still have the file. In normal circumstances that is harmless, but if you want to be extra careful you could delete the file or reinstall the plugin to get rid of the file.

Proof of Concept

With our plugin for testing for PHP object injection installed and activated, set the value of the cookie “wpmudev_appointments_userdata” to “O:20:”php_object_injection”:0:{}” and then when you visit a page with the shortcode “app_confirmation” (with a “title” attribute) the message “PHP object injection has occurred.” will be shown.

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